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Dead sea

About attractions

The saltiest sea at the lowest point of the globe (-427 m), between Jordan and Israel, touching the boundaries of the PA, 67 miles stretches of Sodom (Dead) Sea. The sea reaches a depth of 337 metres, a maximum width of 18 kilometers.The air temperature in the winter months – from 18 to 22 degrees Celsius, in summer – from 25-30 to 45 degrees.
The Dead sea water, being totally transparent, is an oily, viscous liquid. The high concentration of salt in the water makes it very dense, so when immersed in water the feeling of weightlessness. And although the water is very well kept body on the surface, diving or swimming is strictly prohibited. The water on the mucous membranes causes burns, and can also cause an allergic reaction. The water of the Dead Sea is strictly forbidden to drink.
But, it is the concentration of salt and minerals in Dead sea waters, has made his Bank the most popular place for rest and treatment. They contain a large percentage of the chlorides of sodium, magnesium, calcium, almost no sulfates, but a lot of bromides.Expense of minerals, evaporating in the clear, dry air, and, of course, the famous healing mud, the Dead sea is a unique resort. The popular tourist area of the Dead sea makes the fact that according to legend it was in the Dead Sea area were the Biblical cities of Sodom and Gomorrah.
For the first time the name Dead Sea was mentioned by the ancient Greek scholar in the second century of our era. Exploring the waters of the sea, the scientist came to the conclusion that because of high salt content in the water (almost 340%), they can not live neither fish nor other organisms. Several species of bacteria in the mouth of the Jordan river, as well as the oomycetes (or "higher fungi"), the only one that can tolerate the high salinity of the Dead Sea.
The dead sea is endorheic, and every year it recedes from the coastline by 1 meter. Falls into several natural springs and the Jordan river, do not provide sufficient inflow of water. Over the past 100 years the water level has dropped 25 meters. In recent decades these figures will only increase, due to the ongoing development of the natural resources of the Dead Sea and falling groundwater.
In 2012 was approved by a joint Jordan - Palestinian project for the transfer of waters of red and Mediterranean sea to the Dead Sea, as the situation may have an impact on the tourism industry. In the meantime, the decrease of groundwater evaporation and salt, lead to the formation of cavities, voids under the top layer of soil. Such hollows are more than a thousand, as in Jordan and Israel.
The dead Sea is surrounded by beautiful places, some of which are even described in the Bible (Sodom and Gomorrah). On the Jordanian side, the Dead sea, discovered more than 400 species of plants and over 100 species of birds. There, according to legend, is the cave of the Lot and a pillar of salt, which became according to the legend, his wife.Israel – Masada, UNESCO world heritage site, the kibbutz - the nature reserve of Ein Gedi, a beautiful oasis in the desert, the kibbutz Potassium, Mitspielen, and several national parks. Here, on the shores of the popular resort of Ein Bokek.


AddressDead Sea
Working hoursaround the clock
Wheelchair Accessiblehave adequate infrastructure

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