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Old Jaffa

About attractions

This is the most exotic of the southern quarter-a suburb of modern tel Aviv is one of the oldest cities in the world. If you believe the archaeological excavations, the city about ten thousand years, the first reliable records of it date back to the beginning of XVIII century BC. e. In the annals, preserved in the Egyptian Chronicles of XV century BC. e. Boston is among the cities captured by Pharaoh Thutmose III.

Convenient natural harbour, jutting out at four hundred meters inland, has always attracted sailors and fishermen of Jaffa at all times was primarily a port. Waves of conquerors and rolled away rolled away, the government and the people of this reddish earth, washed by the warm sea was changing as in a kaleidoscope. For thousands of years the city countless times built, rebuilt, destroyed, built again; and at the same time was captured, recaptured and captured again, and hanabana Egyptians, ancient Greeks, Phoenicians and Philistines, Jews, Romans, Arabs, crusaders, Mamelukes and Turks, Napoleon and the English invaders – everybody wanted to gain control over this small piece of land – the main port of ancient Israel. Jaffa was destroyed, leveled with the ground and built again under new laws and architectural tastes of its new inhabitants.
Jaffa flourished and was famous throughout the Mediterranean especially in Romans when Pompey and Julius Caesar, Egyptian Queen Cleopatra and the first Roman Emperor Octavian August and finally during the reign of the Judean king Herod the Great, especially famous for his construction of deeds-masterpieces like the Temple of Jerusalem and Masada. It is through the port of Jaffa, as in the days of king Solomon, was the flow of necessary building materials for these great buildings. During the Jewish war, when Jews rebelled against Rome, Jaffa was completely destroyed, the defenders who tried to leave the burning city on ships that were sunk. As Josephus, was nailed to the shore more than 4 thousand. corpses. Jaffa was declared by Rome a free city, and after a while the Romans won the Emperor Vespasian once again rebuilding the city and gives it its name in honor of his wife, Flavia of Joppa. The sages of Israel former Jaffa excluded from the number of cities included in the limits of the Holy Land...
In year 636 Jaffa was conquered by the Arabs, and from that time it loses its significance as a center of trade. Attention to a drooping empty the port city once again attracted the famous Crusades of the knights-Christians. The crusaders built up a building, the Jaffa port has become a major point of supply of "Christ's army", however, in 1268 Sultan Baybars I destroys the city to the ground, and for several centuries Jaffa as a city, it ceases to exist.
The next stage of its history is associated with the Ottoman Empire, which completely rules these lands for nearly 600 years. However, the great Napoleon Bonaparte in 1799, after the six-day siege, captured Jaffa, but soon he was back under the rule of the Turks.
In the late nineteenth century it was from here that began the return of the Jews to Israel, and in the period of the First aliyah was built in the Jewish quarter of Neve Tzedek. Jaffa knew bloody clashes between Jews and Arabs, and in 1948, during the operation, the Etzel of the city is entirely under Jewish control. In 1950, tel Aviv and Jaffa were merged and since then managed by one municipality, however, Jaffa has kept the originality and unique flavor of the ancient Eastern port city.
Every inch of land Jaffa is associated with myths and legends. According to the Bible it is here almost 120 years Noah built his ark. His firstborn son Japhet (depending on the transcription – Yefet or Japheth) – the founder of Western civilization, after the flood, returned home and rebuilt the city, now called by his name – Jaffa, Jaffa or Yafo. The essence of the name Japhet is opened in expression "gave me the all-Powerful scope (AFTA) on earth" exulted Noah, welcoming the birth of his first child. It should be noted that proper names are Japhet and Yafo are linked by a common root with the words "Jaffa" and "jopi", in Hebrew meaning "beautiful, pretty, beauty, charm".
According to another legend it was here Perseus freed Andromeda and from here went forth the prophet Jonah, having made part of the journey in the belly of the whale swallowed him. In the Bay of Jaffa you will be shown the legendary rock on which today hoisted the flag of modern Israel. When protruding from the water rocks invariably comes to the memory of the Hermitage painting by Rubens: white-pink Andromeda, eyes downcast and shyly covering her lush nakedness vlasimi Golden, meets her rescuer Perseus, flaunting a purple cloak and shield, with which in impotent rage grimaces Medusa-the Gorgon. Near the Stones were once the pillar on which was perched Simeon the Stylite. From here, a stone's throw from the harbour, which sailed from the biblical Jonah, trapped in my travels in the belly of the whale.
There is in Old Jaffa, and Christian sites-relics – Church of St. Peter, Dating from the XVII century, the house of Simon the Tanner where the Apostle Peter had a vision "terrestrial quadrupeds, beasts, reptiles and birds of heaven", and the tomb of Tabitha, resurrected by Peter. Next to Old Jaffa – the Ottoman clock Tower, whose memorable silhouette compared with other popular for hours of the world, in particular, with "big Ben" in London, near the bustling Flea market, which is worth visiting, and the Ajami quarter.
Today Jaffa has become an example of peaceful coexistence of different faiths. In addition to Arabs and Jews, Armenians and Copts, Orthodox, Greek Catholics, Maronites and Protestants. Architectural styles of the houses reflect different periods of its past: the restored facades in the style of the Ottoman Empire and British mandate, constitute a special flavor.
Popular Israeli song: "No better Jaffa at night...", and it's true – a city that became a center of tourism, and offers plenty of evening entertainment. But not better than the Jaffa and in the afternoon. A wide variety of experiences will give a walk through the alleys of the old city, flea market and antique shops, coffee shops and bakeries. Only here you can enjoy a wonderful bourekas, which are traditionally baked in Jaffa representatives of the Bulgarian Diaspora, who found shelter here. So sometimes Jaffa, preserving the traditions of the Balkan cookery in many bakeries and taverns, called "little Bulgaria". In Jaffa you will never go hungry: there are plenty of excellent restaurants that make the city the gastronomic center of the world level.
Among the many attractions of the ancient city – Gan ha-Pisgah, with its unique historic atmosphere, charming restaurants, art galleries and souvenir shops specializing in Jewish studies; a delightful promenade; tourist center on the square Kedumim and fishing port that has preserved its flavor and an indescribable charm. Every evening there are fishing boats night fishing with lights in the early morning and come back with their catch. At the fish market of Jaffa is always the freshest fish and seafood. From this port you can go for an hour long walk along the quays and beaches of tel Aviv, this panorama is worth the time and money spent on a sea voyage.
Next to the port – quarter with art galleries, theatres and exhibition halls. Local landmark – a house Yosi Lugosy artist, who became famous as a master of mosaic panels depicting his contemporaries – artists, politicians and friends, as well as compositions on relevant topics. These works the artist creates on the roof of his house, which has already become a popular Museum.
A peculiar slice of history – from the Ottoman Empire to the present day – are the two main streets of Jaffa Yefet and the Boulevard the Boulevard. Jaffa is undergoing a radical reconstruction, but keeping all the charm of the oldest city in the country.
Old Jaffa is now turned into one big tourist and arts center with many restaurants, art galleries, artists, flea markets, salons, museums and archaeological sites. The main population here is also a kind — painters, musicians, sculptors and others ' creative specialties.
Hence, from Jaffa, is overlooking one of the most beautiful and cleanest beaches in Israel – Hof at giv'at Aliya. An important fact is that the Jaffa coast – almost the last nearly "untouched" places left practically in its natural state. This means that there is (at least, for now) opinion is not based in a glass and concrete hotels, skyscrapers or any other resort-tourist replicas that violate the pristine beauty of the coast. with the natural blue lagoons, fringed by dunes, suitable for riding, and usually not congested Parking areas. A few years ago the municipality of tel Aviv paved and landscaped along this impressive beach promenade, wonderful blends into the natural landscape. Parking and entrance to the beach is available.
Those who once visited Jaffa, long cherish the memory of a pleasant experience. Therefore, many foreign tourists come back here every time I visit Israel, not missing the opportunity to enjoy a variety of styles and gifts of the ancient city.

Addressold yaffo
Working hours24 hours
Wheelchair Accessiblehave adequate infrastructure

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